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The best UNCENSORED sources for real-time breaking news on everything:, and
By healthranger // 2020-10-08
One thing I've noticed about the speed of information these days is that no single source can possibly cover all the breaking news. The only way to really stay on top of what's happening is through crowdsourced information, which means information coming from a large number of people who are volunteering their own findings, observations and analysis. This is why we built and - so that many thousands of people can participate in news gathering and reporting. And we've found that it works!, the new alternative to Twitter and Facebook, is now an amazing place to monitor all the breaking news in real time, as it's happening. With over 10,000 users there already (and growing), is now becoming my No. 1 source for monitoring breaking news (and even gathering news tips for stories that we'll cover). You can see all the posts in real time at: My username there is @HealthRanger if you want to tag me on any of your posts. has tens of thousands of users who post free speech videos, and the content ranges from survival and prepping to natural medicine, politics and culture. There are a large number of full-length documentaries on the site, covering Big Tech, censorship, covid-19 and more. Join now and post your own videos. A revenue model for content creators is coming in the near future. is a news headline aggregation website that harvests real-time headlines from around 40 of the most censored indy news websites on the 'net. Read real-time headlines from The Epoch Times, NewsPunch, LifeSiteNews, National File, SGT Report, Big League Politics and much more. The headlines are updated in real time, automatically. Visit these sites each morning and evening to stay up to date on the latest breaking news. is the fastest format, with text "tweets" covering all breaking news events in real time. is not as rapid, since it's a video format. And is a little slower to react to breaking news, since it relies on sites writing and publishing news stories about those events. Participate in all the formats. Join in the conversation and enjoy the ability to speak freely, without being censored by the evil Big Tech oppressors who despise freedom and liberty.