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Bug-out survival planning: How to use a van as bug-out vehicle
By zoeysky // 2022-07-14
Cars like sedans, RVs and pickup trucks are popular choices for bug-out vehicles. But what about vans? With some modifications, you can turn a regular van into a reliable bug-out vehicle so you can safely evacuate with your family when SHTF. (h/t to

Why choose a bug-out van?

Many people are converting regular vans into "day vans." To turn a van into a day van, convert the storage area in the back so it has a folding chair or bed, several cupboards and a leisure battery or batteries. Note that this applies to a day van and not your standard bug-out vehicle. If you want to turn a van into a bug-out van, you will need more than carpets, wall boards, a cupboard unit and a folding bed. To ensure that your bug-out van can help you survive when SHTF and you have to evacuate, you will also need other amenities like a tap and sink, along with a cooking hob. When planning how to turn your van into a bug-out car, you need to figure out where to put all the needed units and where to put a water container, bed, car maintenance kit, leisure battery and lights. Starter batteries require a big surge of power to get a van's engine running. Meanwhile, leisure batteries release energy slowly, over a long period of time. Starter batteries can run van appliances, but leisure batteries do a much better job of it. There are also dual-purpose batteries that can do both jobs. They have enough surge power to start your van and can provide light usage for appliances. Before SHTF, you need to make sure your bug-out van has the following:
  • Bed
  • Carpets
  • Insulation
  • Leisure battery
  • Lights
  • Several cupboards/units
  • Wall boards
  • Water container
  • Windows
Where you place these items is up to you. Still think using a van as a bug-out car isn't a great idea? After disaster strikes and you need to evacuate or bug out, it will be easier to drive a van through a traffic jam than a bulky motorhome or RV. If you don't have a bug-out location, your bug-out van will provide you with a solid roof, a bed and supplies. It's better than having to walk as you head for safety and not having any supplies at all.

Pros and cons of a bug-out van

While a bug-out van offers many benefits, here are some cons to using it:
  • A van has less space compared to a motorhome or RV. If your family is used to living in a spacious home, a van will feel tight to live in, especially after you install the various items you need to survive after SHTF. Additionally, you might not be able to store as many preps in your van compared to an RV
  • A van doesn't have a dedicated toilet and shower area because it's not big enough. You will need to use the outdoors to do your business and use a portable solar shower or a bucket to bathe. (Related: Prepper projects: 5 ways to make an old car SHTF-ready.)
Meanwhile, here are the pros to using a van after SHTF:
  • It's easy to move around a city.
  • It's easier to find spare parts for a van.
  • It's a smaller target compared to an RV.
  • Fuel station accommodation.

The best fuel for a bug-out van

If you're getting a bug-out van, diesel is the better fuel choice. You can also find another form of diesel called red diesel that you can use in a diesel-powered van. Red diesel is normally reserved for trucks or lorries and is illegal to have in a regular van. But when SHTF and the laws no longer apply, you can opt to use red diesel. You can add used cooking oil to your diesel to prolong the diesel fuel, but this is also illegal unless you're driving in a post-SHTF world. You can use petrol or gasoline to fuel your van, but you're limiting yourself to having to find petrol rather than being able to look for cooking oil and red diesel on top of regular diesel when you have to refuel. When SHTF, it's better to have more fuel station options to refuel your van compared to a motorhome, depending on the height of the pump roof. In a post-SHTF world, you can stretch your van's miles per gallon (mpg) by using cooking oil. You can also use diesel tank cleaner to help improve your mpg over time as you travel. Before SHTF, consider what car you're going to turn into a bug-out vehicle because your choice will help you safely reach your bug-out destination after disaster strikes. While an RV is the better choice if you are bugging out with your family or a large group, a bug-out van is ideal for one or two people who only have to travel for a week or two to reach their bug-out location after SHTF. Visit for more tips on how to evacuate safely after disaster strikes. Watch the video below to learn when to bug in or bug out in 30 emergency scenarios. This video is from The Urban Prepper channel on

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