Older people were more likely to be sceptical of the reality of climate change.So, older people, set in their ways and unable to change their minds, are a large part of the reason why so-called climate action is taking so long to begin.
Conservatives were more likely to be sceptical of the reality, causes and impacts of climate change.So, conservatives, in the view of the researchers, are simply unable to see the “reality” of climate change.
Lower environmental values were strongly linked to all types of scepticism.So, the elderly and the conservatives just care less about the environment, according to the study. In other words, according to the researchers, a certain amount of naivete among the citizenry is useful when selling the climate crisis narrative. The study’s authors correctly point out that climate hysterics themselves may bear some of the blame for skepticism. For instance, the climate change community’s practice of making predictions which are observably false leads to skepticism. The researchers note that skeptics are aware of “predictions not becoming reality [and give] explanations such as ‘seeing climate change alarmists’ predictions being completely false.'” Naturally, this lends credence to skepticism. The authors believe that such doubts have arisen because skeptics have a “basic misunderstanding” of model-based climate predictions. Is that “misunderstanding” due to the fact that such climate models were never meant to be a predictive tool? Sky News’ Andrew Bolt made the point that the study was an attempt to classify climate change skepticism as a mental condition. He addressed the study in a very tongue-in-cheek way:
But I do wonder, I have to confess, why people with high analytical abilities, people who are great at analyzing things, are more skeptical of global warming preachers. I’m just sorry that Sharman didn’t actually analyze that bit because I reckon the answer would be fascinating.And Bolt is correct. While the study doesn’t come right out and say that skeptics of a “climate emergency” have some sort of mental condition, the very existence of the study and its dubious conclusions are meant to plant the seed that, perhaps, people who would drag their feet on destroying the world’s economy and power systems to combat this so-called climate crisis might simply suffer from delusional thinking of some sort. So, despite the study’s own finding that people with “high analytical abilities were even more likely to be sceptical about” climate change, the study’s authors would have us believe such people are a threat to the Earth. Read more at: TheNewAmericanDream.com
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